Friday, March 19, 2010

Vegan Doggies

Here at Vegan Era, we LOVE animals. That's a given. Our resident doggie is little Trudi and she is a beautiful Staffy. We rescued her from a local no-kill animal shelter when she was about 6 months old. Trudi is a happy little vegan also. She seems to be growing almost every day and is full of life and love.

Seeing how happy and healthy Trudi is, we always have people ask us how they can help their best friends to adopt the compassionate vegan diet. So we thought we'd share our experience and ideas with you.

First of all let me tell you how much Trudi LLOOVVVEESSS food. Like most doggies, food is her favourite thing. She loves toast in the mornings with avacado or left over porridge with extra milk. We met another gorgeous doggie the other day that loves soy banana smoothies so we'll have to see if Trudi likes that too. Our guess is she will love it!

For dinner, Trudi enjoys rice with vegetables and beans/lentils/vegan mince and some baked beans or some tomato pasta sauce for flavour. Trudi prefers just the canned veggies from the supermarket and she loves corn. We always make up a big batch for her so that it lasts at least a few days. As well as this, Trudi loves to mix her rice meal with some Vegan Pet doggie biscuits. She loves crunching on them!

We've heard that many staffy's are as fussy as Trudi so we usually don't adjust her dinner too much. It's funny watching her carefully remove the things that she doesn't like from the bowl, such as anything green!

Trudi also loves Vegan Pet treats such as the chocolate or peanut butter flavoured doggie biscuits. Yummy!!

When we first brought Trudi in to our home it took her a few days to get used to her new situation and she didn't eat much for the first few days. This is normal. So if you are trying to change your best friend's eating habits, please keep this in mind. After a few days your doggie will probably love the new food and you may start to notice differences such as a more gentle nature and a shinier coat.

I'm sure your happy little girl or boy will embrace the compassionate, vegan lifestyle just as much as you have!

If you have a vegan pet please let us know what food they love.

Be love : Be peace : Be vegan; Save Our Home.

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