Hi Space....I am back again...to fill in my blog space this week..been busy feeling a bit low the past 2 weeks... Unfortunately sometimes I let myself get attatched to the animal cruelty cause too much and don't look at things as I should in a positive light...!!
It is difficult sometimes our lives....we are 'supposed' to feel happy and positive all the time, whilst as we look around there is so much on this planet that needs "fixing"...and it is easy to let yourself drown in unhappiness and unfairness..... and I guess the ego too..! And you are not supposed to admit these things either...just be happy, be delightful, smile, enjoy, and don't allow yourself to feel sad!
However I just let it be there and now it's gone! So, chin up, get over myself, do what I can in my life and be happy and thankful!! I know to 'do' these things, feel 'happy and thankful' that is, but sometimes I allow myself to get lost in deep deep thought...and you can't get much sense out of me as I am kinda, as my partner might describe.... "outerspace"
But I am back now!!................. Hello!! hehe
So...little update....we are hitting our first school tuckshop this week with an extra quick powerpoint on how to "Green Up" the tuckshop area for schools...cows farting and all that to show the effects all the factory farming has on our environment, so I will keep you updated with the principal's reaction...we have a lovely vegan lady with our first school contact so cross your fingers for us!! In the meantime, as promised, I have a FANTASTIC new recipe for 'Ginger Pudding"
Did your grandma used to make you this?? Well it is my partners favourite, and I got the "non-vegan" recipe from his mother,passed down from the grandmother, and I "greened" it up, and I do not tell a lie, maybe a white one to my partner, but he does not know the difference between vegan and non vegan ginger pudding! He even liked the soy custard!!
Hopefully his grandma is smiling at me from the heavens......here it goes...It is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO good!!!
2 tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp nuttlex margarine (or any non dairy margarine)
1 heaped tsp powdered ginger
1 cup self raising flour
1/2 tsp bicarb soda
1/2 cup soy milk warmed
Mix with blender/mixmaster and put into a steamed cake tin...if you don't have one of these or you don't know what they are, then ask any lady born before the 1970's and then head to a lifeline shop in the cake tin section. Fill the tin with mixture and steam for 2 hours! This is an awesome dessert!! Don't forget to drown it in the next recipe!
1 tbsp cornflour
1 1/2 tbsp raw sugar
1 cup cold soy milk
/2 tsp vanilla extract
Mix cornflour tosmooth liquid with little cold milk
Heat remaining mild with sugar
WHen near boiling, remove and stir in cornlour
Return to heat and boil, stir constantly for one minute, and add vanilla
Bon Appitite Friends
And remember, be happy and thankful!! hehe
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